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  1. Thank you! Your talk with your boys is where it needs to begin for all of us. Let’s teach our children the importance of being different and kind. This blog made my day, and my heart goes out to the family, and I will keep them in my prayers ♥️

    • MC says:

      My son was bullied from 5th to 7th grade. It was so bad he developed PTSD and had to go to a treatment facility and put on medication. We sold our house prior to entering 8th grade and moved to another town. He is now in 11th grade a honors student and has a part time job. Please from one parent to another teach your children kindness and respect.

  2. Diana Thomason says:

    I challenged my Sunday School class to seek out someone that is overlooked . They will be reporting on it this Sunday. Our youth are remarkable. It only takes a small effort to make a drastic change in someone’s life. The story of this bullied little boy crushed me. So senseless! We must give them hope! We need to SEE them and follow through on friendship. Thank you for shedding light on this painful subject.

  3. Natalie Henning says:

    Thank you for sharing. I’m a pediatric nurse and the amount of times I have young kids answer yes to having suicidal thoughts is mind blowing. I live in a town in Wisconsin where a local family had a tragic loss of their son to suicide – but they developed an amazing organization called Jacob’s SWAG. They just now came out with a great app called “Got Your Back” that I believe every kid old enough to use a phone should have! And thank you for the talking points you used with your own kids, those conversations are so important. ❤️

  4. Amy says:

    This young man’s family lives in my city. Although I do not know his family, my heart breaks for them. My son, now 15, attempted suicide when he was 12. Thankfully he was unsuccessful in his attempt. There are so many things I want to say, but it’s so hard. A couple years ago when school was starting back up, I was in the primary presidency. I had the opportunity to just chat with the kids for a few minutes before singing time. I looked at those little faces and told them PLEASE, PLEASE, choose to be the kind kid. Thank you for this post. It’s a great reminder that we can all sit down with our kids and let them know they’re very much wanted and needed and that we can all love those around us better.

  5. Maria Vouga says:

    This is incredible! Your words touched my heart! Beautifully written. This should be read to every child as well as in every school.
    Maria Vouga

  6. Jill Nunneley says:

    It broke my heart this week when I read about the boy you mentioned. Thank you for sharing this post to help us all think about what we can do to make a difference. 🙏❤️

  7. Kathryn says:

    What a great post!!! Each of my granddaughters have trouble with bullys at school. It would be such a wonderful thing if all parents told their children the same things that you told your sons!!! Thank you so much for encouraging kindness!!! It is so hard on children who are the targets of bullys 🙏🏻

  8. Claudia says:

    Thanks for your post! Love God. Love people.

  9. Susan says:

    That story is heartbreaking & unimaginable.
    My 3 boys are all in their 20’s & my husband & I still find ourselves reminding them in ways to always be kind as you never know what a friend or stranger my be going through.
    It doesn’t take much to touch someone’s life or make their day a little brighter. I believe this should frequently be discussed in the home, at schools & at many job sights as adults need this reminder also
    Thank you for writing this, Caleb. Your kids are lucky to have you!

  10. Beth C says:

    I work in healthcare and see the mental health crisis for our kids on a weekly basis in my patient population. It hurts my heart every time and makes me strive to teach my own kids that no matter what, they can choose to be kind. We can teach our kids to stand up for those around them and not be passive bystanders. Thank you for having the best platform and message for all of us! You and Kelsi are amazing! ❤️

  11. Debra says:

    Beautifully expressed. I’ve got a tear running down my cheek as I think that, even as an adult who should practice these things, I have a lot of work to do. Thank you for your inspired thoughts ❤️

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