Caleb and I met in 2009, it was love at first sight...for him and I came around a week later. We were married 5 short months later and have been blessed with 4 crazy/beautiful children. If we've learned anything in those years it would be that LAUGHTER is the best couples therapy. We love sharing ways to have fun and create memories with your families. Thank you for being here and your continued support. We hope we can add a little joy to your day!
- Caleb & Kelsi
Loss is hard. It doesn’t matter the age, time, or place. There is never a convenient time to lose someone you love. I was 12 when I lost my dad suddenly to a blood clot that formed a week after a routine knee surgery. Even though it was 22 years ago, I remember every detail. I remember exactly where I was when I heard dad was taken to the hospital. In fact I remember the breath mint my friend handed to me right before my Aunt came and got me. I still can’t eat those mints…. I remember the smells of the hospital waiting room. I remember the sounds. I remember it all so vividly. For years the sounds of people or babies crying even in movies was traumatizing for me. I remember the silence in the car that night driving home. I remember the extreme void I felt as I laid in my bed and cried in my pillow. I remember somehow blaming this on myself. I wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t a good son, I fought with my siblings too much. Somehow this was all my fault. I remember the ocd that followed, the sleepless nights, walking into his room and smelling his cologne that still sat on his dresser (Brut… who wears Brut) just so I could hang onto a little piece of Him. With all of the pain and heartache I felt, and still feel, I also remember the hugs, and the words of encouragement. The tremendous amount of support from friends and family, the never ending food and meals brought to our home. I remember coaches, church leaders, and friends-parents stepping up and helping anyway they could. But more so than any of this I remember my Dad. I remember his cry laugh and the way he would tell jokes. I remember playing catch in the backyard and bruising up his legs with my low heater. I remember catching him and mom kissing in the kitchen with both arms wrapped around her. I remember him at every game and pretty much every practice. I remember him making me take my shirt off and flex for complete strangers that were visiting in our home. I remember the way his face lit up every time he talked about any of his kids. I could go on, but the point is I remember how much he loves me, and I remember that he’s still with me. Even though I can’t bring him back, I can always remember the impact he had on my life. Let us try and always remember to be kind, we never know what someone might be going through. Life is much too short to spend it bickering with one another. Love ya, have a smoooooooooth week!
I just loss my aunt and best friend a week ago, it was sudden and unexpected. 19 years ago (I was 17) I lost my dad in a car accident. Sudden and unexpected. Grief has been kicking my butt his week, but these reminders to be kind and gentle, and to remember tomorrow isn’t promised helps. Thanks for sharing your story.
I lost my dad suddenly a month ago. Grief still comes in waves but besides missing him, the thing that usually brings me to tears is peoples’ kindness. My friends and family that check in, drop off food, text me to say they’re thinking of me, etc. Thank you for the reminder to be kind always.
Crushes my heart that you lost your dad when you were so young. I lost my mom on July 4th of last year to the exact sudden cause that took your Dad following a knee replacement. It was the greatest shock of my life. I know that grief is not to be compared. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I find it healing and important to never stop telling stories about her. Keep his laughter and stories alive. Flex on Cabe!
Had to pull out the tissues for this one! Can’t believe that has really been 22 years. I have the worst memory ever, but for some reason I vividly remember your Dad. He was quiet, kind, and he really was at every game and every practice when we were playing baseball on the same team (back in the day when I was better than you at baseball—kidding!) Sending you a hug Cabe!
Beautiful tribute! Thank you for sharing. My mom is currently on hospice for her cancer battle. Your words resonate with me so much tonight.
What a blessing to be able to remember him that way, to remember the stuff that made him your dad, that made you love him, the stuff he probably worked so hard to be remembered by. He’s surely living the best life ever until you meet again
I lost my dad a year and a half ago. I moved in with him to take care of him. He developed dementia and was not able to take care of himself. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done but also special at the same time. Even though he didn’t know who I was half the time I knew he appreciated everything and he would do the same for me if the situation was different. He died at 96 years old and lived a good life. I miss him every day. I’m living in his home and I keep pieces of him all over to keep is memory alive. He is always in my heart and I was always so proud that he was my dad..
This really hits home for me. I lost my Mum 21 years ago to cancer when I was 18. I remember all of the little details as well. From the hospice nurses playing cards and me wanting to scream at them to save my Mum, to the exact text I sent my friends after she died. That day will be ingrained forever. Losing a parent at a young age is a trauma that stays with you forever. Do your find it hard to see yourself living past the age your Dad died? I find the closer I get to my Mums age when she died the more anxious I get. You lose that innocence that other people have thinking people live forever.
Sending you lots of love from here in Australia. Your Dad would be so proud of you.
I lost my mom December 2nd 2021 and my mother-in-law January 12th 2021. My two girls had to go through both grandmothers passing away almost a month apart. God is a big part of our life so we just kept our eyes on him but it’s still so so hard. We have good days and bad days. But, God is still good no matter what we go through.