Love Month

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  1. Konda Fullmer says:

    Great blog post Caleb!! I love ❤️ the positive influence that you and Kelsi are having on marriage relationships and family. The world need as many positive posts as it can get!! Nothing will influence your children as much as watching their parents love each other, live the gospel and be good people. We are big fans!! Keep up the good work!
    Rex and Konda ❤️

  2. Stephanie says:

    For someone that wasn’t sure what to write on his blog tonight you wrote it wonderfully. Those memories you shared about your wedding day and knowing that once that ring was on her finger it means forever doing the work. The ideas were simple but perfect.
    Thanks for sharing …

  3. Kelley Hannon says:

    Such great advice. I’ve been married 30 years and dated my hubby for ten years before that! We’ve been together since we were 17 years old, and I tell my two boys’ relationships are what you put into it! I’m going to try your ideas and always remember to have just as much fun as you and Kelsey- such a great role model and so much fun to follow and see all your adventures and true commitment ♥️

  4. Karla says:

    I love all of those date ideas! I’m not married. Heck, I’m not even dating anyone. But one day…

    Great blog, once again!

  5. Eunice says:

    Wonderful ideas to make Valentine or any date night special. Marriage is actually not hard, life is hard. No matter what your status is there will always be bills to pay, hard things to work through but being married those hardships can be shared. Not only the hard things in life but also the joys of life can be shared and what a blessing that is. So let’s tackle life together with our partners.

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